Option II

Participation in Option II is predicated on the application process through which students seek approval. Pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:8-5.1 adopted in June 2009, district boards of education shall establish a process to approve individualized student learning  opportunities that meet or exceed the Core Curriculum Content Standards. This regulation requires a set of policies and procedures that permit a student or group of students to  meet or exceed the core standards in any subject area through alternative activities.  Documentation of the student’s achievement of the curricular objectives is required.  

Courses may be taken for credit through Option II only under one of the following five scenarios:

  1. The student failed the course and must remediate. Students who fail a course, or lose credit for any reason, can choose to remediate, or "make up," the course during the  summer, instead of taking it during the following school year. The course must meet  for a minimum of 60 hours to qualify. 

  2. The course/experience is not offered at Glen Rock High School. Students may  choose to take courses related to an area of interest, elective courses and/or courses  that are not offered at Glen Rock High School. An application must be completed prior  to enrollment in the course. No credit will be given without prior approval. All academic  courses that will count toward graduation, including Health and Drivers Education,  must be taken at Glen Rock High School. Option II is not intended to replace offered  courses rather it is to enhance the existing curriculum. 

  3. The student may opt to enroll in college level courses.  

  4. Independent Study. Independent study program is intended for an individual who seeks intense study in an academic area not currently offered by the GRHS curriculum. Independent studies may not replace a course listed in the GRHS Program of Studies. 

  5. Internship: Junior and Seniors may only apply for internships. The student is responsible for arranging her/his own placement at an internship site, and for transportation. Internships do not count towards the GPA. Internships may take place outside of the school day, or students may request “release time” during the school hours to intern. Those granted release time have additional responsibilities that are outlined in the Intern Request documentation.  

Approval Process

  1. Option II Credit is available to students in grades 9-12 

  2. Download the forms above

  3. Complete the appropriate application form (see above).

  4. Obtain all signatures required of the Application for Option II Credit. 

  5. Submit completed application to the Principal

  6. The Principal's Option II Credit Review Committee will review completed applications within 10 days following established deadlines and a determination will be made.  

Certification of Credit 

  1. If approved, the student shall submit necessary documents to verify completion. These documents shall include any or all of the following and deemed necessary by the Principal’s Committee:  official transcript; evaluation report; attendance report; completed project; and any other elements agreed to in the Option II application agreement. 

  2. Following the final review of the Option II Credit experience by the Principal’s Committee, notice will be sent to the student, parent and school counselor regarding the decision to award credit. The student’s transcript will be amended as necessary.

  3. Appeals - students and parents have the right to appeal the decision of the Principal’s Committee. Such appeals must be submitted within 3 days of the Committee’s decision. The appeal should address the specific reason(s) cited by the Committee in reaching its decision. Appeals can be made regarding eligibility and/or regarding the awarding of credit.

Students who wish to take a course not previously taken and for which credits or advanced course placement may be awarded, may only earn credits from New Jersey school districts or accredited colleges with prior approval by the Principal or designee. Grades from a course not previously taken and for which credits or advanced course placement may be awarded shall not be factored into the students’ grade point average (GPA). 

Students may take only up to 24 total credits for courses not previously taken during their time as a student. Up to 11 credits per academic year will be permitted for students who wish to take a course not previously taken and for which credits or advanced course placement may be awarded. The district will not assume the responsibility for any costs of enrollment, fees, course materials, or required technology for such courses.

Students who wish to enroll in an online course for credit recovery purposes or take a course or subject not previously taken and for which credits or placement may be awarded, may only earn credits through the New Jersey Virtual School with prior approval by the Principal or designee. Up to 11 credits per academic year will be awarded upon successful completion of a New Jersey Virtual School course. The Principal or a designee must approve any additional credits. The district will not assume the responsibility for any costs of enrollment, fees, course materials, or required technology for such courses.

Grades from a New Jersey Virtual School course or subject (up to six credits per academic year) not previously taken and for which credits or advanced course placement may be awarded will not be factored into the students’ grade point average (GPA).

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